Nightline is a confidential, non-advisory listening and information service run for students by trained student volunteers from the University.
Call us
Our phone lines are open from 8pm until 8am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday night during term time.
IM us
Our IM service is available from 8pm until Midnight every Monday, Wednesday and Friday night during term time.
What our Volunteers have to say
I feel Nightline is a very positive service. All the volunteers are coring people who choose to help out and are trained how to do this best. I feel if I can help even 1 person feel a little better, then I have done something good.

Nightline has helped me to develop my confidence. It is such a great team who are very supportive and friendly! I really enjoy supporting our campus family and working with other volunteers. I would definitely recommend it to anyone.

Having the ability to say to myself that I am capable of learning new skills. Be it as a crisis line volunteer, an active listener or just a friendly face to those who may be struggling.

Nightline has been a lifesaver and I mean that in the literal sense. Without the positive community and kind people that are involved, I feel as though I would have struggled to persevere through my degree as I did. The opportunity to be there for people in a meaningful way does truly feel rewarding. It is also so heart-warming to work with the most genuine, caring and supportive committee and volunteers.

The most precious gift you can give someone in life is your time. I saw Nightline as a chance to give back to the student body the support that so many people go without; and hope that if I can brighten the day of one person each shift I have had a successful day.

I wanted to help people and have a positive impact on their lives.

I love supporting people and wanted to ensure no one was going through something without a support network.

I joined because I wanted to help others and be part of a good cause.

I wanted to be able to help people and hopefully take away the stigma from males discussing mental health issues.

I joined Nightline as a volunteer initially to help students struggling with mental health, much like I have in the past. I was aware that Nightline was a brilliant service, but I wasn’t prepared for the amazing sense of community and love within the volunteers and the committee – everyone is so lovely! The community behind Nightline is its biggest asset and the unconditional support from everyone involved is consistently amazing.

Nightline has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and I’m so happy I got to spend over 4 years with you guys. I I’ve seen the service grow tremendously, and it has helped me grow massively as a person, both in my knowledge of mental health and how to handle mental health itself in myself and others.

If you need to speak to someone urgently, the Samaritans are open 365 days of the year and will always be there to listen on 116 123.
The expense of the call will be your normal landline rate subject to your service provider.